Sanijel Ficulovic co-author of first MiCAR legal commentary

Yesterday, the book presentation of the ‘Commentary on MiCAR - Markets in Crypto-assets’, which was recently published by Jan Sramek Verlag, took place at Zacherlhaus in Vienna. This is the first commentary to be published in the German-speaking world on the new European crypto regulation, which will be fully applicable from the end of 2024.
We are pleased that our lawyer Mag. Sanijel Ficulolvic has contributed significantly to the creation of this work as a co-author. Mag. Ficulovic has been working at PFR since 2018 and specialises in financial market law. He navigates our clients safely through the new and thus uncertain legal field of crypto law.
Ficulovic comments: ‘MiCAR is the most significant regulatory measure in the area of crypto-assets. It attempts to provide groundbreaking answers to the questions associated with it. However, the EU regulation leaves many questions unanswered for those applying the law, which is a major challenge in practice! I am all the more pleased that I can contribute to the development of the law in this innovative area with the book!’
The commentary offers a first in-depth analysis of the MiCAR and its impact on the Austrian and European legal landscape regarding crypto-assets, the provision of regulated services and related legal transactions. It not only provides a comprehensive presentation of the regulation itself, but also insights into its objectives and underlying legal principles. ‘We have tried to provide the reader with further suggestions and guidance to help them understand the implications of this landmark regulation,’ adds Sanijel Ficulovic.
For more information about the commentary, please visit the Jan Sramek Publishers website here, where you can also order the commentary.