Bernd Fletzberger gives speech at Anti-Money Laundering Conference in Vienna

Our partner Bernd Fletzberger will be speaking today at the Anti-Money Laundering Conference on the current case law in the area of money laundering prevention by financial service providers and on current topics of payment fraud.
The Anti-Money Laundering Day 2024, which is taking place at the Doubletree by Hilton in Vienna, is a high-level and specialised event that comprehensively addresses the current regulatory and legal developments in the area of money laundering prevention and terrorist financing. Participants from the compliance divisions of Austrian banks and insurance companies will receive detailed information about the EU AML Package, accompanied by practice-oriented contributions on current AML and fraud strategies, case law and sanctions.
An informative day for compliance specialists with lectures by employees of the FMA, the Money Laundering Reporting Office and the OeNB, as well as a presentation by Bernd Fletzberger on current case law!
Program and review: