PFR at the Bildungs-Kick-Off of the Chamber of Commerce's financial services division

Today, our lawyers Dr. Bernd Fletzberger and Mag. Sanijel Ficulovic gave a presentation on the topic of ‘Distance Selling of Financial Services’ at the Bildungs-Kick-Off (BKO 2024) of the WKO Financial Services Division, the educational programme for financial service providers.
As part of Module 2 (Consumer Protection Law), moderated by Chairman Mag. Manfred Ollram of the Burgenland representation body, they highlighted the Distance Financial Services Act (FernFinG). In addition, they provided an outlook on upcoming changes resulting from the new EU directive in the area of distance marketing of financial products.
This leading education event for members of the commercial investment advisory and securities brokerage profession is held for the eighth time in 2024. The professional organisations of financial service providers from all federal states design a versatile programme, which is very positively received by their members. A total of almost 2,600 people registered for the BKO 2024.